getchaintxstats ( RPC)

getchaintxstats ( nblocks "blockhash" )

Compute statistics about the total number and rate of transactions in the chain.

1. nblocks      (numeric, optional, default=one month) Size of the window in number of blocks
2. blockhash    (string, optional, default=chain tip) The hash of the block that ends the window.

  "time": xxxxx,                         (numeric) The timestamp for the final block in the window in UNIX format.
  "txcount": xxxxx,                      (numeric) The total number of transactions in the chain up to that point.
  "window_final_block_hash": "...",      (string) The hash of the final block in the window.
  "window_block_count": xxxxx,           (numeric) Size of the window in number of blocks.
  "window_tx_count": xxxxx,              (numeric) The number of transactions in the window. Only returned if "window_block_count" is > 0.
  "window_interval": xxxxx,              (numeric) The elapsed time in the window in seconds. Only returned if "window_block_count" is > 0.
  "txrate": x.xx,                        (numeric) The average rate of transactions per second in the window. Only returned if "window_interval" is > 0.

> elements-cli getchaintxstats 
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getchaintxstats", "params": [2016] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'