combineblocksigs ( RPC)

combineblocksigs "blockhex" [{"pubkey":"hex","sig":"hex"},...] "witnessScript"

Merges signatures on a block proposal

1. blockhex                  (string, required) The hex-encoded block from getnewblockhex
2. signatures                (json array, required) A json array of pubkey/signature pairs
       {                     (json object)
         "pubkey": "hex",    (string, required) The pubkey for the signature in hex
         "sig": "hex",       (string, required) A signature (in the form of a hex-encoded scriptSig)
3. witnessScript             (string, required) The hex-encoded witnessScript for the signblockscript

  "hex": "value",      (string) The signed block
  "complete": true|false (numeric) If block is complete 

> elements-cli combineblocksigs <hex> '[{"pubkey":"hex","sig":"hex"}, ...]'