decoderawtransaction ( RPC)

decoderawtransaction "hexstring" ( iswitness )

Return a JSON object representing the serialized, hex-encoded transaction.

1. hexstring    (string, required) The transaction hex string
2. iswitness    (boolean, optional, default=depends on heuristic tests) Whether the transaction hex is a serialized witness transaction.
                If iswitness is not present, heuristic tests will be used in decoding.
                If true, only witness deserialization will be tried.
                If false, only non-witness deserialization will be tried.
                This boolean should reflect whether the transaction has inputs
                (e.g. fully valid, or on-chain transactions), if known by the caller.

  "txid" : "id",        (string) The transaction id
  "hash" : "id",        (string) The transaction hash (differs from txid for witness transactions)
  "size" : n,             (numeric) The transaction size
  "vsize" : n,            (numeric) The virtual transaction size (differs from size for witness transactions)
  "weight" : n,           (numeric) The transaction's weight (between vsize*4 - 3 and vsize*4)
  "version" : n,          (numeric) The version
  "locktime" : ttt,       (numeric) The lock time
  "vin" : [               (array of json objects)
       "txid": "id",    (string) The transaction id
       "vout": n,         (numeric) The output number
       "scriptSig": {     (json object) The script
         "asm": "asm",  (string) asm
         "hex": "hex"   (string) hex
       "txinwitness": ["hex", ...] (array of string) hex-encoded witness data (if any)
       "sequence": n     (numeric) The script sequence number
  "vout" : [             (array of json objects)
       "value" :,            (numeric) The value in BTC
       "n" : n,                    (numeric) index
       "scriptPubKey" : {          (json object)
         "asm" : "asm",          (string) the asm
         "hex" : "hex",          (string) the hex
         "reqSigs" : n,            (numeric) The required sigs
         "type" : "pubkeyhash",  (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'
         "addresses" : [           (json array of string)
           "12tvKAXCxZjSmdNbao16dKXC8tRWfcF5oc"   (string) bitcoin address

> elements-cli decoderawtransaction "hexstring"
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "decoderawtransaction", "params": ["hexstring"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'