sendtomainchain ( RPC) sendtomainchain "address" amount ( subtractfeefromamount ) Sends sidechain funds to the given mainchain address, through the federated pegin mechanism Arguments: 1. address (string, required) The destination address on Bitcoin mainchain 2. amount (numeric or string, required) The amount being sent to Bitcoin mainchain 3. subtractfeefromamount (boolean, optional, default=false) The fee will be deducted from the amount being pegged-out. Result: "txid" (string) Transaction ID of the resulting sidechain transaction Examples: > elements-cli sendtomainchain "mgWEy4vBJSHt3mC8C2SEWJQitifb4qeZQq" 0.1 > curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "sendtomainchain", "params": ["mgWEy4vBJSHt3mC8C2SEWJQitifb4qeZQq" 0.1] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'