issueasset ( RPC)

issueasset assetamount tokenamount ( blind "contract_hash" )

Create an asset. Must have funds in wallet to do so. Returns asset hex id.
For more fine-grained control such as multiple issuances, see `rawissueasset` RPC call.

1. assetamount      (numeric or string, required) Amount of asset to generate. Note that the amount is BTC-like, with 8 decimal places.
2. tokenamount      (numeric or string, required) Amount of reissuance tokens to generate. Note that the amount is BTC-like, with 8 decimal places. These will allow you to reissue the asset if in wallet using `reissueasset`. These tokens are not consumed during reissuance.
3. blind            (boolean, optional, default=true) Whether to blind the issuances.
4. contract_hash    (string, optional, default=0000...0000) Contract hash that is put into issuance definition. Must be 32 bytes worth in hex string form. This will affect the asset id.

{                       (json object)
  "txid" : "hex",       (string) Transaction id for issuance
  "vin" : n,            (numeric) The input position of the issuance in the transaction
  "entropy" : "hex",    (string) Entropy of the asset type
  "asset" : "hex",      (string) Asset type for issuance
  "token" : "hex"       (string) Token type for issuance

> elements-cli issueasset 10 0
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "issueasset", "params": [10, 0]}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'