rawreissueasset (22.0.0 RPC) rawreissueasset "transaction" [{"asset_amount":amount,"asset_address":"str","input_index":n,"asset_blinder":"hex","entropy":"hex"},...] Re-issue an asset by attaching pseudo-inputs to transaction inputs, revealing the underlying reissuance token of the input. Returns the transaction hex. Arguments: 1. transaction (string, required) Transaction in hex in which to include an issuance input. 2. reissuances (json array, required) List of re-issuances to create. Each issuance must have one non-zero amount. [ { (json object, required) "asset_amount": amount, (numeric or string, required) Amount of asset to generate, if any. "asset_address": "str", (string, required) Destination address of generated asset. Required if `asset_amount` given. "input_index": n, (numeric, required) The input position of the reissuance in the transaction. "asset_blinder": "hex", (string, required) The blinding factor of the reissuance token output being spent. "entropy": "hex", (string, required) The `entropy` returned during initial issuance for the asset being reissued. }, ... ] Result: { (json object) "hex" : "hex" (string) The transaction with reissuances appended }